Churrasco and french onions.
Churrasco steak seared in stead ridged pan. Just a sprinkle of black pepper and some garlic powder. The onions are dipped in milk, them flour and tossed in very hot Read more…
I was wondering. Until what age can I claim to be middle aged? LMAO
Youth is the ultimate commodity. As far a I know the only fountain of youth is death. So we do the battle with aging as long as possible. Aging in Read more…
Baby Finches
For years I raised, as a hobby, Lady Gouldian finches, which are beautiful beyond words. The new hatched sweeties has the markings you see in this picture which allows you Read more…
‘I’m a Big Fan of Writing To Find Out What You Don’t Know.’ This is true. I find that writing clears my mind and allows me to see that I know logically and what is missing. Try it, writing is a great Read more…
Do we remain, unknowingly, Cave Dwellers?
Yesterday I wrote a brief blog about Gorillas and some of their habits. One that stood out to me is that they have a male CEO for their 40 member Read more…
Veteran’s Day. When I was younger I used to add Happy. Now I know better.
With respect and with love I tell you that I see you and care about you. Hang on there. Things are about to get better. We promise.
I am Gorilla. See me. I live.
Gorillas are ground dwelling, predominantly herbivorous apes that inhabit the forest of central Sub-Saharan Africa. They are charismatic, intelligent and in danger. They are our closest living relatives. They move Read more…
I wish I didn’t have to blog this, but it’s criminal not to.
“They told the kids they were being showered and that they would be brought back to their families. They promised the moms the same. The moms promised their kids they Read more…
Connecting the dots. Falling in love with your plastic.
The media is wildly discussing that we will soon be the last generation of humans on planet Earth. Fools and tools like Jeff Bezos are openly discussing the need to Read more…
Bees love hemp
“Creativity is intelligence having fun.” Einstein
It feels like a drive to do something, a compulsion to make real what is working away in your mind. The little creatures above are a perfect example of how Read more…
“The war is not meant to be won, it is meant to be continuous.” George Orwell
Americans have been at war 93% of the time – 222 our of 239 years – since 1776, according to Global Research. All US presidents can be technically considered “war Read more…
How to pay for healthcare, education, housing, infrastructure
You have been indoctrinated, manipulated and bullied into believing that we cannot afford the basic needs of a civilized society. The chart above is a bit outdated so the big Read more…
Lady Bug This very brief video show a Lady Bug opening wing I never knew they had under their red polka dotted covers. Truly beautiful and worth the moment. Enjoy.
Art: Vegan Still Life
As a collector of art and other things I have always loved and enjoyed art called “still life”. It took me long while to figure out that by still life Read more…
Some of my best friends never say a word to me.
Everything on this Earth is a product of evolution. We all traveled from there to here. From then to now. Impossible to ignore what happened during this lapse in time. Read more…
The one of it’s kind Paso Fino Horse from Puerto Rico
The Paso Fino means ” fine step”. The Paso fino is a blend of Barb, Spanish Jennet, and Andalusian horse and was bred by Spanish land owners in Puerto Rico Read more…
The Evils and Blessings of Being Connected
My response to the question of good or evils of being “connected” to the internet and the social media with this involves, is that it is a bit of both, Read more…